“I’ve just seen your email and the cover mock-up, and I must tell you that I am absolutely bowled over by it! I’ve seen lots of very good MX covers on Amazon, for which I imagine you were responsible, but I think that this one tops them all! Everything about it is absolutely wonderful – that purplish blue tint of the background, the size and style of the lettering and the golden-yellow colour it’s done in – it’s all perfect! I can hardly believe that a book of mine is going to have such a fabulous cover – I only hope that the stories within live up to such a great cover! Honestly, if I saw this cover on someone else’s book I’d be really envious!”
--- Denis O. Smith
author of The Further Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes vols. I & II
"I have just received physical copies of the book and I wanted to let you know that I think they look amazing. Thank you so much for all your work; you have done a fantastic job. The book could not look better."
-- Matthew Simmonds
author of Sherlock Holmes: Adventure of the Pigtail Twist
"I'm not kidding about this: I got a little chill... you're really good at what you do."
--- David Marcum
editor of Holmes Away From Home vols. I & II
"Brian Belanger is an absolutely wonderful artist. I've seen his work and it is absolutely magnificent."
--- Don Smith
host of The Sherlockian Conversations podcast, 04/17/2016 episode
“Thanks for this – it looks great… it works well as an introduction to the character in Volume I. Thanks again for such a great job.”
--- Martin Daley
author of The Casebook of Inspector Armstrong vol. 1
“That is GREAT. Love it.”
--- A S (Sherry) Croyle
author of Before Watson III: The Case of the Swan in the Fog
“I love it… Brian is an absolute pleasure to work with.”
--- Phil Growick
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Romanov Conspiriacies
“I have had two very positive responses regarding the cover image and design. Thanks to Brian Belanger for his design prowess.”
--- Mark Alberstat
co-author of Memoirs from Mrs. Hudson’s Kitchen
“Blimey – you don’t mess around! I think this is fantastic – let’s go with it! Thanks again for some excellent work on this.”
--- Stephen Wade
author of Write Your Self
“…let Brian know some ideas for the cover. He’s a genius designer…”
--- Steve Emecz
07/08/2017 email to author Stephen Wade re: Write Your Self
“You certainly wasted no time in creating this and getting back to me. I’m impressed!”
--- Arthur Hall
author of The Rediscovered Cases of Sherlock Holmes vol. 1: The Demon of the Dusk
“My gosh, I love it!”
--- Dan Andriacco
author of Queen City Corpse
“Fantastic cover illustration! Really like it.”
--- John Sutton
author of In Unhallowed Rest: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure
“I absolutely love this design!”
--- Robert Nunn
author of The Criminal Mastermind of Baker Street
“Thanks for the great work! I really like the cover design, despite the fact that I did not give you much room to be creative.”
--- P. James Macaluso
author of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Re-Imagined
"Brilliant cover -- love it!"
--- Steve Emecz
publisher of MX Publishing
re: cover of Tim Symonds' Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon Sigil
"Really great, Brian -- and super working with you -- we're all very happy with the cover!"
--- Tim Symonds
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon Sigil
"I've loved the cover of this book since I first laid eyes on it! It gives an excellent indication of the Chinese setting/theme this book is based in and around, which excited me from the get go. Without even reading the first page I was drawn to the style of this book, simply because of the incredible foreshadowing done on its cover page."
--- Goodreads review of Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon Sigil
"All I can say is, WOW!!!!!! I think it looks great."
"...the people that I have shown it to all love it. If we ever meet, the first round is on me."
--- Richard T. Ryan
author of The Vatican Cameos: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure
"Winner winner, chicken dinner! It's very cool... and the text looks smashing."
--- Luke Benjamen Kuhns
author of Welcome to Undershaw: A Brief History of Arthur Conan Doyle The Man Who Created Sherlock Holmes
"Brian -- you're a Star; I love it! Mrs. S loves it too... I think you've played a blinder as the Brits say... I like what you've done enormously..."
Mark Sohn
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Murders
"What fun... clever cover."
--- Michael Druce
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Portal of Time
"Looks good -- I approve. I wouldn't go near the fellow, at least on a dark street in Whitechapel."
--- Allan Mitchell
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Monk
"I really love the cover on this one too. Menacing indeed."
--- Steve Emecz, publisher of MX Publishing
re: cover of Allan Mitchell's Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Monk
Facebook comment in MX Sherlock Holmes Authors group 01/17/2017 @10:17am US EST
"I can't tell you how pleased and thrilled I am! It is very kind of you to go to all this extra trouble, and I really, really do appreciate it. One of my daughters in particular loved it, saying it was very ingenious and artistic..."
--- Denis O. Smith
author of The Riddle of Foxwood Grange
"I found Brian to be incredibly helpful, patient and careful with this work, and I cannot speak too highly of him."
--- Denis O. Smith (again!)
Facebook comment in MX Sherlock Holmes Authors group 11/10/2016 @10am US EST.
"Absolutely great... very well done."
--- Ian Jarvis
author of CAT Flap
"I love it! It's eye-catching and brilliantly done."
--- Viktor Messick
author of Sherlock Holmes and A Hole in the Devil's Tail
"You did a beautiful job (especially with the Holmes silhouette on the back)!"
--- Daniel D. Victor
author of The Outrage at the Diogenes Club: Sherlock Holmes and the American Literati Book Four
"That's lovely, Brian. Not only functional, but artistic. Great job."
--- Geri Schear
author of Return to Reichenbach
"The newest cover looks great!"
--- Joseph W. Svec III
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Round Table Adventure
"The cover is stunning!"
--- Christopher James
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Jeweler of Florence
--- Harry DeMaio
author of The Lower Case: Book Four of the Casebooks of Octavius Bear
"Wow -- I feel suitably menaced especially by those two eyes -- a nice touch above the ghostly images of the soldiers... well done and many thanks.
--- Allan Mitchell
author of Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Melbournian
"I think you've done a splendid job on the cover..."
"...the idea of the Victorian wallpaper was spot on and it enhanced the sketch."
--- Diane Gilbert Madsen
author of Cracking the Code of the Canon: How Sherlock Holmes Made His Decisions
"Thanks for everything. It looks great."
--- Elizabeth Crowens
author of Silent Meridian
"It looks great."
--- E. A. (Bud) Livingston
author of Some of My Favorite Sherlockian Things: A Compendium of Pawky and Outre Monographs, Toasts and Whatnots
"That looks pretty splendid."
--- Alan Little
author of Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes vol. III: The Case of the Shepherds Bushman
"Thanks for all the great work. The books look good..."
--- P. James Macaluso
author of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Re-Imagined: The Complete Collection
"Excellent job..."
--- Richard Krevolin
co-author of The Mystery of the Scarlet Homes of Sherlock
"It looks splendid."
--- Archie Rushden
author of The Scrapbook of Sherlock Holmes