My brother Derrick and I founded Belanger Books LLC back in September 2015, publishing our own titles such as The MacDougall Twins Mysteries with Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Deadly Dinosaur!, Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Primal Man, Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Peculiar Provenance and the Sherlockian anthologies Beyond Watson, Holmes Away From Home vols. 1 & 2, and Before Baker Street. We've also published original novels by authors Brenda Seabrooke, G. C. Rosenquist and C. Edward Davis. Our horror anthology My Peculiar Family featured NY Times bestselling authors Christopher Golden, James A. Moore and Tracy Hickman.
Belanger Books is the proud publisher of The Papers of Solar Pons, the first anthology of new Solar Pons material in nearly twenty years, authorized by the August Derleth Estate. We are especially proud to re-release all of August Derleth's original Solar Pons stories in seven volumes throughout 2018.