I'm the co-founder of Belanger Books LLC, along with my brother, author Derrick Belanger. I illustrate and edit the popular MacDougall Twins Mysteries with Sherlock Holmes young reader series, in addition to designing covers for MX Publishing, the largest publisher of Sherlock Holmes material in the world. My MacDougall Twins novel Attack of the Violet Vampire! was a #1 bestselling new release in the UK.
Currently, I'm illustrating Brenda Seabrooke's upcoming novel Rascal In The Castle, a sequel to her Sherlockian pastiche Scones and Bones on Baker Street. I'm also designing the covers for August Derleth's classic SOLAR PONS mystery series, which Derrick and I are rereleasing through Belanger Books. I live in Manchester NH, a real city conveniently located near the fictional towns of Innsmouth and 'Salem's Lot.
You can find more information about my books at www.belangerbooks.com. I also create artwork for all kinds of merchandise at www.redbubble.com/people/zhahadun.

Taken at America's Stonehenge, just down the highway in Salem NH.